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Sacred Heart RC Primary School

Together we shine

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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five!

Welcome to Year 5. We hope that you can find everything you need. Take a few minutes to have a look.


Mr Kellett - Teacher of Year 5


Mrs Hargreaves - Class TA and teacher on a Wednesday morning.


PE: Monday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.

Please ensure children's uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled with their name. 


Reading: the children should aim to read for between 15-20 minutes each night.


Homework: children will be given homework every Friday and should return it the following Thursday.


Year 5 have settled in really well this term and have been working hard. They have produced some amazing work so far and they are all proud of their individual achievements.  Below is a selection of work that the children have been doing this term. 


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I will be available to answer any questions at the end of the day (pick up time). 


Thank you for your continued support,


Mr Kellett. 

Autumn term in Year 5



The children have enjoyed learning about and writing their own story based on an British Legends.




This term the children have been focusing on a variety of topics in Maths and have been particularly proud of their progress working with place value. 




This term we have have our Science trip linked to our topic 'Forces'. 




During RE, we had the opportunity to look at ourselves and understand that we are all unique members of God's family. 




As always, the children have thrown themselves into PE this term, as we have focused on certain skills that are transferable across different sports (running, bouncing and team work).



Design and Technology

We are going to be starting our gingerbread house unit after the October half term.




Our focus this term has been 'Street Art' the children have loved getting creative and have produced some eye catching work. 




This term the children have been learning how to understand, say and write numbers up to 1000.




This term we have been learning about how charities work and what volunteers do. We have learnt about the dangers of drugs and what makes a drug useful or not useful.  We have also been thinking about the difference between a fact and an opinion.




This term's focus has been Britain. The children enjoyed using different sources to locate different parts of Britain. 




The topic for this term was 'Anglo-Saxons and Vikings' and the children's enthusiasm for this topic has been great to see.




We had the opportunity to perform a song from our music lessons this term, in one of the celebration assemblies. 
