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Sacred Heart RC Primary School

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Y3 Home Learning

Hello Year 3


It was lovely to see so many of you in person (socially distanced) on Thursday 4th February when I came to deliver your next pack (pack 3). This pack starts from Monday 8th February and includes two weeks worth of learning. Just in case you misplace any of the documents, you can download below. There are also additional Power Point presentations  and videos to support your learning so please make sure you take a look.


If you have any questions, you may email, ask me when we have our twice daily live Microsoft Teams sessions, message on Purple Mash, ask me during my fortnightly home visit or ring the school office and leave a message. I will then get in contact.


Stay safe and continue working hard

Mr Tariq 



Skip Counting by 8 to the tune of This Old Man

Learn to multiply the easy way by skip counting by 8's to the familiar tune of This Old Man. Listen and sing along a few times and then pass off those times...



Religious Education Pack 4
