Physical Education
At Sacred Heart R.C Primary School, we are committed to promoting the health and well-being of everyone in our community.
Physical Education (PE)
Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 participates in at two hours of PE each week, one of which is skills (including agility, balance and coordination) based. This may involve a range of sports including football, netball, basketball, tennis, cricket and rounders as well as other physical activities such as gymnastics, athletics, dance and general fitness sessions. We have also recently purchased, two new state of the art ActivAll pods which all the children and staff are given the opportunity to use in adult led sessions to develop hand-eye coordination and general concentration and movement skills. Children in Years 4 are also provided with a year of swimming lessons at a local swimming pool. Reception classes have a weekly PE session with a focus on balance, movement and using space.
The school employs an experienced Gymnastic Coach and work closely with coaches from Blackburn Rovers that ensures that the children are able to work with adults who are specialists in PE as well as the class teachers.
The school is part of a popular cluster group, which provides an opportunity to compete in different sporting activities with other schools during the school terms. These usually take place at exciting venues around the school and are generally for children in KS1 and KS2.
Recreational activities
The school playground has a section which is designated for the playing of ball games at break time and lunch. Each class has an allocated time but there is also a range of other equipment (eg skipping ropes, balancing equipment) for the children to use in their breaks. The staff also work during some of the breaks encouraging and organising different physical activities and games for the children to join in with.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In Reception, the children are encouraged to use the shared outside space to develop important physical skills and co-ordination. There is a range of bikes and scooters as well as climbing apparatus. Other activities promote the development of basic skills such as throwing, catching, running and skipping. Reception class also have weekly PE lesson in the school hall and yard.
Extra curricular activities
We are able to offer after school sports clubs to all KS1 and KS2 classes. Due to the popularity of these, children are given the opportunity to participate on a rolling basis so that as many children as possible are able to be included. The cost of these to parents is usually nothing, or very minimal. The school has been able to successfully hold trial days for G&T children to participate and compete in a variety of sports. There is also a before school sports mentoring sessions that occurs during the week with Mr Patel.
We live in a competitive world and at Sacred Heart R.C Primary School, we like to provide children with opportunities to be involved with inter school tournaments. We have signed up for the premium package with BPSSA (Blackburn Primary School Sports Association). Through this, they learn the importance of team work, leadership and the ability take the winning and losing experiences in their stride! We have entered boys’ teams, girls’ teams and mixed teams into football, rounders, netball, basketball, athletics and cricket tournaments. Although we are only a small school, we have been delighted by the children’s achievements, their teamwork and positive attitudes.
Residential Trip
For the past couple of years, we have taken our Year 6 children on a camping trip for a few days. During their stay, the children enjoy trying out a range of outdoor activities such as kayaking, climbing, archery, sailing, high ropes and fencing. As they are camping, there are also plenty of other outdoor leisure activities for the children to experience and enjoy!
The school is well resourced with equipment for the children to use in PE and breaks including:
tennis nets, racquets and balls; throw down lines; bibs and sports kits; athletics equipment; low hurdles; long jump mats; foam javelins; batons etc.
In the Foundation Stage there are crawling mats, number tubs, quits, balls, wheeled equipment, quoits, bean bags and hoops.
At lunch time, play monitors help organise games and the use of a range of equipment.
Keep checking this page for information and news about PE at Sacred Heart R.C Primary School.
Upcoming events:
Sportshall Athletics Year 3/4
Sportshall Athletics Year 5/6
Gymnastics Year 3/4
KS1 Multi Skills Festival
SEN Multi Sports Festival
BPSSA Football matches (friendlies and league)
Girls Football Tournament
Sports Relief @ Sacred Heart
Basketball tournament Year 5/6
Rounders tournament Year 5/6
Cricket tournament Year 5/6
Children's University Y3/4 Dodgeball Competition (Thursday 6th December 2018)
Year 5/6 Girls Football Qualifiers @ St Bede's High School (04/12/18)
A huge congratulations to the Y5/6 Girls team for finally making their competitive debut. For many, this was their first experience of playing competitive matches and I'm certain there will be many more opportunities coming your way. Keep up the good work and continue to give your best!
Mr Patel
Year 5/6 Dodgeball Festival at St Bedes (25th November 2018)
Children from year 5 and 6 were selected to represent the school in a dodgeball festival at St Bede's High School. They competed against 24 other schools around the borough and our children gave their 100% commitment during the festival. The schools were split into two groups of 12. Our children won a grand total of 9, drew 1 and only lost 1! 🏆🏆🏆.
Well done and keep doing your best!
Remembrance Day - Christmas Truce (Football with KS1)
Year 3/4 Boys Football Team vs St Silas (14/06/18)
Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 Football team for making their debut vs St Silas CE Primary School. You modelled our new Nike Football Kits which look amazing! It was a great start and I hope to see how all of you progress! Well done! 🏆
Year 3/4 Quads Athletics Competition at St Bedes

Year 3/4 took part in the annual Quads Athletics competition at St Bedes High School. This was the schools first participation in an athletics competition of this format and they did everyone proud. The children competed in the following events; 400m run, 60m sprint, standing long jump and mini vortex throw. A huge well done to our Year 3/4 Athletics team who finished 8th out of 13 schools which is a great achievement. You've beaten your previous league standing and are making great progress! Keep it up!
Mr Patel
Great turn!

Year 5/6 Girls Football Team friendly vs St Silas
Well done to the Sacred Heart R.C girls team for the competitive and brave performance! You were all amazing during the matches and are all set for a bright future!
Mr Patel
Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Competition 2017/2018 at Pleckgate High School
Y5/Y6 Cluster Basketball Winners 2017/2018
Y5/Y6 Boys Cluster Basketball Competition Winners 2017/2018