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Sacred Heart RC Primary School

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Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Sacred Heart we do our best to include all our children in every aspect of school life and to help those who need additional support to achieve their potential.


In February 2022 OFSTED commented that:-

"Governors, leaders and staff are aspirational for all children and pupils at the school, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)."


"Through well-established procedures, the needs of pupils with SEND are quickly identified, including in the early years. Pupils with SEND learn alongside their friends in the classroom. Suitable adaptations, through resources and staffing, ensure that pupils with SEND have the same opportunities as their peers. Leaders work well with outside agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND receive the support that they need."



In February 2021 OFSTED commented that :-

"The school's special educational needs coordinator (SENDCo) keeps a careful check on the support teachers give to pupils with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND).  The SENDCo ensures that targets within pupils' individual support plans are included in the learning activities planned by teachers.  Those pupils with SEND learning from home receive their usual range of support, including small group or individual teaching.  Teachers work closely with external agencies, such as speech and anguage therapists.  This has helped leaders to identify if pupils who join the school require additional support."


Children may experience difficulties in a curriculum area or have social, emotional or behavioural needs. Others may have medical needs.


We are committed to working in close partnership with parents and aim to keep them fully informed.

Parents are always involved in discussions about their child’s barriers to learning and if their

child is to be placed on the Special Education Needs Register. This ensures that all staff working with the child are aware of any additional needs and what needs to be in place to support them.


Some children are on the SEN Register for a short time whilst others may have long term needs.


With parental permission we may call on outside agencies for advice on how best to support a child.


School has forged strong links with an extensive range of outside agencies and staff work closely with them to meet the needs of individual children.


Our Inclusion co ordinator also works closely with the parents and class teachers of children requiring additional support.


Children with identified needs are supported in class by a Teaching Assistant or Special Support Assisitant under the guidance of the class teacher and Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO).  Tasks are organised and differentiated to suit the needs of the child and to facilitate progress to be made.


Children may also be withdrawn for individual and small group work delivered by the SENCO and Special Support Assistants. Interventions are devised to match the needs of the child to enable them to make progress against their individual targets.

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Mr N Tariq

Sacred Heart RC Primary School

Lynwood Road




Tel - (01254) 54851

Email address -


SEND Governor

Paul Crewe

Local Offer