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Sacred Heart RC Primary School

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Religious Education

Come & See Curriculum overview

Religious Education:


At Sacred Heart Religious Education is regarded as not just a subject among others, competing for curriculum time and measured against attainment targets: it is a constantly developing way of learning how to look at the world and ourselves, and the relationship of the whole of creation to the creator, God.


The teaching of religion therefore, is not confined to the R.E. lesson, but pervades all the work of the Curriculum, which is used to stimulate Religious growth and development, as well as academic and social progress.


Your child will be taught Religious Education using the Come and See, Catholic scheme of work.


At Sacred Heart religion is an inclusive faith; we embrace the spirituality in all children.


We encourage the children to recognise the value and validity in other religious traditions, and highlight the commonality and sympathy between faiths rather than the differences.


We recognise that our school community comprises children of many faiths and we aim to share the experiences and positive values in those children.


We recognise that parents have the prime responsibility for the Religious formation of their children by sharing their own faith with them as they grow up in the home.


The role of parents is vital.
